Today I got the task where I have to restore 100 + databases
from production to test server. We get time of four days to complete the task
but being a DBA and good hands on T-SQL I decide not to do this task manually
and wrote the script to do same.
Description: This Procedure is created to restore multiple databases from
their backups.
Example: If I have to restore 100 databases with their respective backups then I can keep all backups in same folder and run procedure.
Here all backup names in same format and must start with database name
Example : master_today.bak , model_today.bak
The stored Procedure I created check for below options
- Is xp_cmdshell is enable if not enable it and once work done disable same.
- If database is not in simple recovery, take log backup of database.
- Kill all sessions on database which we have to restore.
- If database is new create data and log file and default location
- If database already exists overwrite same and script will find values for move option.
- Create / drop all temp tables used
- Extract
all backup files and their info from location
1. @SourceFile
= where all backup files are placed
2. @dbprefixcount
= characters in backup file name after db name (saurabhdb + _09042014.bak) where backup file
name is dbanme + date.bak example saurabhdb_09042014.bak , Here in prefix we have
13 characters (saurabhdb + _09042014.bak)
3. @logbackuppath
= location to take log backup when db is not in simple recovery model
dba_admin.dbo.Multi_Restore @SourceFile = 'D:\Adhoc_Backup\Saurabh\'
= 13
,@logbackuppath = 'D:\Adhoc_Backup\'
Here backup filename was : dbname_04092014.Bak
There fore : dbname + _04092014.Bak (13 character as prefix)
Sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
Reconfigure with override
Reconfigure with override
Script :
CREATE PROCEDURE Multi_Restore( @SourceFile nvarchar(4000)
,@dbprefixcount int,@logbackuppath varchar (1000)
Author : Saurabh Sinha
DATE : 04/09/2014
Modified : 04/09/2014
Description :
This Procedure is created to restore multiple databases from their backups.
for example if I have to restore 100 databases with their respective backups then
I can keep all backups in same folder and run procedure.
Here all backup names in same format and must start with database name
example : master_today.bak , model_today.bak
Parameters :
--> @SourceFile = where all backup files are placed
--> @dbprefixcount = characters in backup file name after db name (saurabhdb + _09042014.bak)where backup file name is dbanme + date.bak example saurabhdb_09042014.bak here in prefix we have 13 characters (saurabhdb + _09042014.bak)
--> @logbackuppath = location to take log backup when db is not in simple recovery model
EXEC dba_admin.dbo.Multi_Restore @SourceFile = 'D:\Adhoc_Backup\Saurabh\'
,@dbprefixcount = 13
,@logbackuppath = 'D:\Adhoc_Backup\'
/* Declaring Variables */
DECLARE @path nvarchar(4000)
Declare @name as nvarchar (4000);
Declare @Backupname as nvarchar (4000);
DECLARE @i as int
Declare @a as int
Declare @backuplocation varchar (5000)
Declare @Lfile1 varchar (200) , @Lfile2 varchar (200)
Declare @Pfile1 varchar (2000) , @Pfile2 varchar (2000)
Declare @logbackup varchar (1000)
Declare @sconfig int
/* verifying and removing temp objects*/
if exists (select 1 from sys.sysobjects where type ='U')
select @i = COUNT(*) from sys.sysobjects where type ='U'
while @i > 0
SET @name = (Select top 1 name from sys.sysobjects where type ='U' and name like '#%')
SET @CMD = 'Drop table ' + @name
Print @cmd
Exec (@cmd)
SET @i = @i-1
Declare @version varchar (20)
SELECT @version = convert (varchar (100) ,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion'))
select @version
if @version like '9%' or @version like '8%'
/* Create temp tables*/
Create table #fileListTable
LogicalName nvarchar(128),
PhysicalName nvarchar(260),
[Type] char(1),
FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
Size numeric(20,0),
MaxSize numeric(20,0),
FileID bigint,
CreateLSN numeric(25,0),
DropLSN numeric(25,0),
UniqueID uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0),
ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0),
BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize int,
FileGroupID int,
LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier,
DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0),
DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnl bit,
IsPresent bit--,
--TDEThumbprint varbinary(32)
Create table #fileListTable
LogicalName nvarchar(128),
PhysicalName nvarchar(260),
[Type] char(1),
FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
Size numeric(20,0),
MaxSize numeric(20,0),
FileID bigint,
CreateLSN numeric(25,0),
DropLSN numeric(25,0),
UniqueID uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0),
ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0),
BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize int,
FileGroupID int,
LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier,
DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0),
DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnl bit,
IsPresent bit,
TDEThumbprint varbinary(32)
CREATE Table #MyTable (Results varchar(500))
CREATE Table #MYFILES (create_date datetime ,is_directory int ,[Name] varchar (500))
CREATE Table #MYFILES_main (id int identity , name varchar (500))
SET @backuplocation = @SourceFile
SET @Path = @SourceFile --> Pass the path in which you want to search
SET @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + ' /A /OS /-C'
Set @i=1
/*Collecting data into temp tables */
INSERT INTO #MYFILES --(create_date datetime ,is_directory int ,[Name] varchar (500))
SELECT LEFT(Results, 20) [create_date], CASE LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(Results, 21, 18)))
WHEN ''THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as is_directory,
SUBSTRING(Results, 40, Len(Results)) AS [name]FROM #MyTable
WHERE ISNULL(PATINDEX('%__/__/____%', Results), 0) != 0
where name in ('..','.') or is_directory =1
insert into #MYFILES_main select name from #MYFILES
Select @a = count (*) from #MYFILES_main
/* Checking all backup files and restoring database one by one */
While @a = @i
/*Declaration */
Declare @RestoreStatement varchar (8000)
Declare @recovery_model_desc varchar (100)
DECLARE @spid int
/* Initialization */
Select @Backupname = name from #MYFILES_main where id = @i
Set @backuplocation = @SourceFile
Set @backuplocation = @backuplocation + @Backupname
SET @name = LEFT(@Backupname, LEN(@Backupname) - @dbprefixcount)
SET @RestoreStatement = N'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK=N''' + @backuplocation + ''''
select @recovery_model_desc = recovery_model_desc from sys.databases where name = @name
select @recovery_model_desc ,@name
insert into #fileListTable
Set @Pfile1 = Null
Set @Pfile2 = Null
Select @Lfile1 = LogicalName from #fileListTable where fileid =1
Select @Lfile2 = LogicalName from #fileListTable where fileid =2
Select @Pfile1 = filename from sys.sysaltfiles where dbid =db_id(@name ) and fileid =1
select @Pfile2 = filename from sys.sysaltfiles where dbid =db_id(@name ) and fileid = 2;
/* Taking log backup for db not in simple recovery*/
if @recovery_model_desc <> 'simple'
if exists (select 1 from sys.databases where name = @name)
select @logbackup = @logbackuppath + @name + '.log'
backup log @name to disk = @logbackup;
/* Killing all user session from db before restoring */
SELECT @spid = min(spid) from master.dbo.sysprocesses where dbid = db_id(@name)
EXECUTE ('KILL ' + @spid)
SELECT @spid = min(spid) from master.dbo.sysprocesses where dbid = db_id(@name) AND spid > @spid
Select @name ,@backuplocation, @Lfile1, @Pfile1
/*Restoring database */
If @Pfile1 is not null
Restore database @name from disk = @backuplocation with stats =1,
move @Lfile1 to @Pfile1,
move @Lfile2 to @Pfile2, Replace
Restore database @name from disk = @backuplocation with stats =1
SET @i= @i+1
select 'Restore for ' +@name +' Completed '
/*Dropping temp tables */
Drop Table #MYFILES
Drop table #MYFILES_main
DROP Table #MyTAble
Drop table #fileListTable
/**************** END OF THE CODE *************************/
Odd i keep getting this message:
ReplyDeleteMsg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Multi_Restore, Line 93
There is already an object named '#fileListTable' in the database.
Might be u have ran query twice, 1st time partially.
DeleteIf you are getting error, just drop that table manually
Just so you are aware I got the same problem and definately only ran it once
DeleteHave u check for an object named '#fileListTable' in the database ????
DeleteHi, i get the same error. Not even ran the procedure once. just parsing it and its erroring. Otherwise a very useful script
ReplyDeleteHello, I would really like to get this script working but I get the same error above. I don't have and DB's restored yet, so not clear where to remove it manually. Does anyone have details on how to resolve this?
ReplyDeleteJust so you know it still exist
ReplyDeleteI just renamed #fileListTable to #fileListTable1 and the script ran fine.
ReplyDeleteI am facing same issue can you resolve that
ReplyDeleteComment out the part where it is asking for versions then get rid of the 2nd create table lines
ReplyDeleteI get an error when running the script :
"Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure Multi_Restore, Line 118 [Batch Start Line 0]
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
The statement has been terminated."
Any idea ?
Hi There,
ReplyDeleteAlso getting varchar error when trying to restore single file
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure Multi_Restore, Line 108 [Batch Start Line 0]
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
The statement has been terminated. thx