Checklist to tune PostgreSQL Query performance

Tuning server performance or query speed requires a lot of data collection and implementation of best practices followed by applying solutions specific to issues.

below is the checklist that can be referred by beginners.

1. EXPLAIN:  (Query execution plan)

  • The EXPLAIN command shows the execution plan of a statement and is based on the statistics about the table. 
  • Always remember the right plan is very critical for good performance. 
  • The EXPLAIN command will break down how PostgreSQL will execute the SQL query, but it is more of an estimation. 
  • We can use the ANALYZE keyword in the explain plan, which actually executes the query, and then displays the true row counts and true run time accumulated within each plan node.


  • The VACUUM command basically removes the tuples that are deleted or made obsolete by an update but were not physically removed from their table. 
  • This is very helpful to avoid bloating. 
  • It is good practice to analyze a keyword with VACUUM. 



  • ANALYZE collects statistics about the contents of tables in the database, which helps the query planner to find the most efficient execution plans for queries.


4. Database Indexes:

  • It is always recommended to create indexes on a table. 
  • PostgreSQL will execute a full table scan in the absence of indexes, which makes executing a query very slow.   
  • The types of indexes available in PostgreSQL are 
    • B-tree (the default index)
    • hash,
    • GiST,
    • SP-GiST
    • GIN
  • PostgreSQL creates implicit indexes when the table has a primary/unique key. 
  • we should try to avoid creating unused or unnecessary indexes on a table, as these could also affect performance.
  • We can also use the REINDEX command to fix unusable indexes or when an index gets bloated.


5. auto_explain module:

  • The auto_explain module is used for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically. 


6. pg_stat_statements:

  • The pg_stat_statements module is used for tracking the execution statistics of SQL statements to identify the queries that are slow. 


7. Logging:

  • log_min_duration_statement (integer) can be helpful in tracking down unoptimized queries.

8. A third-party tool like pgBadger:

  • pgBadger is an open-source tool that generates a detailed report of activity on the database server, including temp files, slow queries, etc. 
  • It can be downloaded from here:

9. PostgreSQL configuration parameters:

  • Applying best practices in PostgreSQL configuration parameters can get better performance. 
  • To do this we need to edit the postgresql.conf file, which resides under $data/ directory of your installation. 
  • The Parameters we can configure are 
    • max_connections,
    • checkpoint_segments
    • work_mem
    • random_page_cost


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