Introduction to Keras with DeepLearning


What is Keras

Keras Data Engineering algaestudy

  • Keras is an open source neural network library, which is written in Python.
  • Keras runs on top of other machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Microsoft's cognitive toolkit and Theano.
  • Keras is a high level API, which facilitates fast experimentation.
  • Keras was designed to facilitate fast experimentation with deep neural networks.
  • Keras is easy to use. It is modular and it's extensible.
  • Keras was designed to be an interface rather than a standalone machine learning framework.
  • Keras can be used in conjunction with CPUs and GPUs.
  • In 2017 Google's TensorFlow team decided to support Keras in Tensor Flow's core library.
  • TensorFlow Keras is TensorFlow's implementation of the Keras API specification.
  • TensorFlow Keras is a high-level API to build and train models that include first-class support for TensorFlow specific functionality.
  • TensorFlow Keras makes TensorFlow easier to use without sacrificing some of the flexibility and performance that is afforded by TensorFlow.
Note: There is always the option to use aspects of the TensorFlow library directly in the program without using the Keras API.

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