Import Data in Mongo using Python



  • Install Mongodb
    • Download MongoDB “
    • Install Mongodb from GUI
    • Download and Install Python “”
    • Install Py-Mongo from command prompt using command from command prompt  "python -m pip install pymongo"Collect Connection String
  • Install
    • Python [using command prompt "pip install notebook"]
    • Jupyter [using command prompt  "jupyter notebook"]

  • Data Preparation
    • Prepare a csv file with name “data.csv”
  • Install
    • Pymongo
  • Execute the Python code
    • Import the Data and Validate
    • Your CV is loaded successfully Mongodb database “CSV” , collection name “data_csv”
    • Connect to MongoDB compass and validate

Code To be Executed from Jupyter Notebook

/***********Python Code to Import Data***********/

#Install Py-Mongo from command prompt using below  "python -m pip install pymongo"
#My Local MongoDB string:  "mongodb://localhost:27017"

import csv
from pymongo import MongoClient

#Connect to MongoDB

client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")

#Name of You database

#Name of your collection
collection =db["cdv_data_4"]
#Path to your CSV file
csv_file ="data.csv"

#Open the CSV File

with open(csv_file,"r") as file:

    # Iterate each row in csv file

    for row in reader:

        #Insert rows in Mongodb


if (collection.count_documents({})==2):
    print("CSV data imported into MongoDB successfully !")
    print("Something went Wrong!!")

saurabh Sinha mongodb SQLSERVER PYTHON

Validate The Data in MongoDB Compass

  • Connect with MongoDB using Local host
  • Check databases
  • Open database CSV
  • Check Collection CSV_data_4

saurabh sinha mongodb compass, python script

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