Inserting data In Mongodb via Python

Py-Mongo - Data Insertion

Demo will show how to insert one or multiple records in mongodb using python code.  Here we will use mongodb commands for insert triggered from Python

  • Insert_One: 
    • Insert only one document
  • Insert_Many: 
    • Insert multiple document


  • Setup Mongodb and collect connection strings
  • Setup Python opne Jupyter
  • Executing Python code
  • Validate the Data in MongoDB

Step 1. 

  • Install MongoDB

Step 2. 

  • Install Python

Step 3.   

  • Execute Python Code

/*********Python Code To insert One Document******************/

#Import Librarys
import pprint
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from pymongo import MongoClient

#Connect to MongoDB
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")

# Get Reference to database
db = client.algae

# Get a reference to the 'emp' collection
emp_collection = db.emp

#Prepare Data and store in the variable
new_emp = {
    "account_holder": "Linus Torvalds",
    "account_id": "MDB829001337",
    "account_type": "checking",
    "balance": 50352434

# Write an expression that inserts the 'new_account' document into the 'accounts' collection.
result = emp_collection.insert_one(new_emp)

# Print DocumentID inserted
document_id = result.inserted_id
print(f"_id of inserted document: {document_id}")


pymongo saurabh Sinha

pymongo insert algae Services, saurabh Sinha

/*********Python Code To insert One Document******************/

#Import Librarys
import pprint
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from pymongo import MongoClient

#Connect to MongoDB
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")

# Get Reference to database
db = client.algae

# Get a reference to the 'emp' collection
emp_collection = db.emp

#Prepare Data and store in the variable
new_accounts = [
        "account_id": "MDB011235813",
        "account_holder": "Ada Lovelace",
        "account_type": "checking",
        "balance": 60218,
        "account_id": "MDB829000001",
        "account_holder": "Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi",
        "account_type": "savings",
        "balance": 267914296,

# Write an expression that inserts the documents 
result = emp_collection.insert_many(new_accounts)

document_ids = result.inserted_ids
print("# of documents inserted: " + str(len(document_ids)))
print(f"_ids of inserted documents: {document_ids}")


pymongo insert

Step 4

  • Validate the data using Mongdb compass or from console using query
  • db.emp.find({'key':'value'})

find_one mongodb saurabh

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